Tagged with marketo
Marketo Tips
Marketo tip #50 - Use Marketo Moments to track...
🐴 How do you keep track of ongoing campaigns when you're on the move? 🤴 Arthur is on the Saxon...
Marketo Tips
Marketo tip #05 - Use your CRM Business Model...
🔮✨👑 [Marketo Tip #05 - Using your business model in Marketo] 👑✨🔮 Hello everyone, this is Sylvain...
Marketo Tips
Marketo Tip #04 - Increase your productivity in...
👑✨ Attention, Knights of the Round Table! ✨👑 The kingdom of Camelot is in great peril! The...
Marketo Tips
Marketo Tip #03 - Stop the press ! How to...
🔮 Check out the latest Marketo Tip #03: Cleanly shut down your Marketo campaigns and avoid...
Marketo Tips
Marketo Tip #02 - Find out how to track your...
👑 New Marketo Tip! Learn how to track your site visitors with Marketo. 👀 As the king or queen of...
Marketo Tips
Marketo Tip #01 - How to correctly read the...
👑 O Arthur, king of Camelot! Having trouble understanding the numbers in your email reports in...
Marketo Office Hours
Deciphering the GDPR Full Form: Venturing into...
Qu’est ce que le RGPD ? Bref retour sur la définition et les implications de cette...