Marketo Tips

Marketo tip #55 - Better customer experience and data quality proposing companies in your Marketo forms


πŸ‘‘ Arthur is looking at a way to propose a better experience at the main gate, while collecting a lot more information on the Camelot's visitors.

πŸ›’ When a merchant enters the city, he would like to get his speciality, whether he belongs to a guild or not, if he is affiliated to banned countries...

πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ His spy network has all the necessary information but how to get all that in real-time?

πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ Hopefully Merlin cooks a spell to display on a scroll all the relevant information once the merchant states his name, and VoilΓ  !

πŸ‘‡ I show you in this #marketotip how you could connect your Adobe Marketo forms with a database and propose to your visitors a list of companies when they start typing.

Thus reducing your forms and delivering a better customer experience

AND having a better data quality at the same time !

I also invite you to join us every Friday at 10am for 1 hour of discussion, questions and exchanges on Marketo best practices.πŸ™Œ

#marketingautomation #marketo #forms #dataquality

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