
MLOH Data Security & RGPD

May 02, 2022 GDPR, marketing automation
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in May 2018. Its objective is to protect the personal data and privacy of European citizens. This text has accelerated a process already in place, and is now a reference in the world.

We had the chance to discuss with M° Alexandra Iteanu on May 3rd. We made a point on the RGPD and data security, especially for B2B marketing teams.

How to concretely apply the RGPD?
What precautions should we take on the B2B marketing side?
What are the consequences of the CNIL ruling on Google analytics?
Plan of the video

00:00 - Introduction
00:46 - History of the RGPD
02:25 - Risks of non-compliance with the RGPD
03:46 - Main principles of the RGPD
08:49 - Focus on the notion of personal data
15:08 - Data security
16:56 - Right to erasure of personal data and right to information
20:30 - CNIL decision regarding Google Analytics
25:33 - Data security future

Let's go!

A full blog post details this video.

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